lundi 17 novembre 2014 à partir du 21 novembre prochain.
Galerie d'art en ligne avec 600 œuvres
disponibles dont
les gravures de :
André BONGIBAULT burin &
aquatinte (France)
Koji IKUTA manière noire (Japon)
Olga KELEYNIKOVA eau forte &
aquatinte (Russie)
Christian LEPÈRE eau forte (France)
Abderrahmane MADA vernis mou (Algérie)
Hélène NUÉ burin sur cuivre (France)
Yuri NOZDRIN eau forte rehaussée
Mikio WATANABE manière noire (Japon)
Josef WERNER eau forte (CZ / D)
et + encore...
vendredi 14 novembre 2014
l'AFCEL sera au 12e Salon du Livre de Woippy, 15 et 16 novembre 2014
12e Salon du
Livre de Woippy, 15 et 16 novembre 2014
Sous la houlette du Comité d’Histoire Régionale, 10 associations d’Histoire et de Patrimoine
seront présentes à Woippy pour cette édition du Salon du Livre d’Histoire dont
Détails des conférences, expositions, présentation
d’ouvrage, auteurs :
mercredi 12 novembre 2014
Exposition à la Bibliothèque nationale suisse à Berne
Stéphan Landry, ʻWhy not’, Carnets de Rome, 5 cahiers, Rome
Unikat – Unicum. Livres d’artistes du Cabinet des estampes
22.11.2014 – 28.2.2015
« Unikat - Unicum » marque le coup d'envoi d'une série
d'expositions ayant pour thème : Les livres d'artistes du Cabinet des estampes
de la Bibliothèque nationale suisse. Elle est en lien étroit avec le projet du
Fonds national suisse de la recherche qui porte, durant trois ans, sur « Les
artistes et les livres (1880-2015). La Suisse comme plateforme culturelle ».
Dans cette première exposition, « Unikat - Unicum » appréhende le livre d'artiste non seulement comme un genre particulier, mais aussi comme une conception radicale du livre en tant qu'exemplaire unique. L'exposition invite à approfondir ce phénomène de la « pièce unique », lequel apparaît comme contradictoire et protéiforme, dans un contexte où le livre devient le support d'une multiplicité fondamentale. Des œuvres de la fin des années 1950 jusqu'à aujourd'hui en fournissent un panorama représentatif. L'exposition, structurée sous forme de thèse, donne un aperçu du travail artistique entourant ce type de livre comme pièce unique - un travail qui frappe par la richesse de ses variations, par son aspect expérimental ainsi que par les projets et processus qui le commandent. Il s'agit ainsi de chercher ce qui, dans l'originalité artistique, se conçoit comme singularité - en tâchant de bien distinguer cette approche de l'idée courante que l'on se fait de ce qui n'advient qu'une fois. Tous les objets exposés témoignent de cette unicité des conceptions individuelles de l'œuvre d'art : qu'il s'agisse de carnets artistiques où apparaissent des traces manuscrites ou engendrées techniquement ; d'éditions de luxe avec accessoire graphique ou illustratif ; du vestige d'une pratique artistique ou encore d'une création sculpturale originale.
Dans cette première exposition, « Unikat - Unicum » appréhende le livre d'artiste non seulement comme un genre particulier, mais aussi comme une conception radicale du livre en tant qu'exemplaire unique. L'exposition invite à approfondir ce phénomène de la « pièce unique », lequel apparaît comme contradictoire et protéiforme, dans un contexte où le livre devient le support d'une multiplicité fondamentale. Des œuvres de la fin des années 1950 jusqu'à aujourd'hui en fournissent un panorama représentatif. L'exposition, structurée sous forme de thèse, donne un aperçu du travail artistique entourant ce type de livre comme pièce unique - un travail qui frappe par la richesse de ses variations, par son aspect expérimental ainsi que par les projets et processus qui le commandent. Il s'agit ainsi de chercher ce qui, dans l'originalité artistique, se conçoit comme singularité - en tâchant de bien distinguer cette approche de l'idée courante que l'on se fait de ce qui n'advient qu'une fois. Tous les objets exposés témoignent de cette unicité des conceptions individuelles de l'œuvre d'art : qu'il s'agisse de carnets artistiques où apparaissent des traces manuscrites ou engendrées techniquement ; d'éditions de luxe avec accessoire graphique ou illustratif ; du vestige d'une pratique artistique ou encore d'une création sculpturale originale.
Commissaires : Susanne Bieri, Andrea Giger
Le thème de l'exposition sera développé lors d'un colloque
scientifique et dans deux tables rondes, qui auront lieu les 21 et 22 novembre.
lundi 10 novembre 2014
Museo Biblioteca Comune di Bassano del Grappa
Sperando di fare cosa gradita vi inviamo in allegato il bando di concorso e l'istanza di partecipazione alla Quarta edizione della Biennale dell’incisione Contemporanea “Citta’ di Bassano del Grappa”.
Il bando e il modello dell'istanza di partecipazione sono pubblicati alla pagina concorsi del sito web del Comune di Bassano del Grappa
Con i migliori saluti
HopingYou would appreciate, we send the attached Notice and the application form for the Fourth Edition of the Biennale of the Contemporary Engraving “Città di Bassano del Grappa’’.
The same Notice and application form are published on line in the website of the City of Bassano del Grappa
Best Regards
Museo Biblioteca Archivio
via Museo, 12
36061 Bassano del Grappa
tel. +39 0424 519904 / 519901
fax +39 0424 519914
Museo Biblioteca Archivio
via Museo, 12
36061 Bassano del Grappa
tel. +39 0424 519904 / 519901
fax +39 0424 519914
1. Theme: the City of Bassano del Grappa - Area III Cultura Museo,
mindful of the great legacy of the Remondini family,
whose museum was inaugurated in September 2007 at Palazzo Sturm,
announces the IV edition of the Biennale of the
Contemporary Engraving "Città di Bassano del Grappa", in order
to contribute to the promotion and to the enhancement of
the research related to the art of engraving. The event will take place
in Bassano del Grappa, in Palazzo Sturm. The
technical organization is entrusted to the Area III Cultura Museo of the
City of Bassano del Grappa. The IV Biennale will
open on the 20th of February until the 17th of May 2015. These dates are
subject to change.
2. Structure: The Biennale is exclusively reserved for engravings:
intaglio, engraving, drypoint, mezzotint, etching, aquatint,
mixed media and woodcuts, on wood wire or on wood end, linocuts, and
other related materials such as plexiglass, using
the same technical procedure, with absolute exclusion of lithography,
screen printing, of any other photomechanical
proceeding, course design, one-design and graffiti. Each contestant may
submit up to two works. All the engravings
received must not have been awarded in other competitions. The
exhibition concerning the selected works is entrusted to
the Area III Cultura Museo of Bassano del Grappa.
3. Rules of participation and method of delivery of the works: those who
intend to join the competition must send their
works by 12.00 pm on the 16th of January 2015 to the Protocol Office of
the City of Bassano del Grappa, Via Matteotti 35,
in a closed envelope bearing the words "Area III - Biennale of
Contemporary Engraving ‘’Città di Bassano del Grappa –
NO COMMERCIAL VALUE – PRINTED MATTER", and containing the following
a) written application form using the attached format;
b) a good quality digital photos of the work submitted on a CD-ROM
(minimum 300 dpi TIFF format; base 20);
c) the two works with which you compete. These works must strictly
observe the requirements stated in Paragraph 4;
d) curriculum vitae of the author in a digital format up to 1 folder
(1800 characters including spaces).
The delivery of the application form and the photos of the works can be
done by hand, by mail or by courier: the sending
will happen at the sole risk of the sender. The applications received
after the deadline (only the stamp by the local protocol
will prevail ) will not be taken into account. The promoters and
organizers of the Biennale can not in any way be held
responsible for delays or non delivery of the works.
4. Formats, requirements and labeling of the works: under penalty of
exclusion, the size of the works sent must not
exceed or equal to 500x700 mm, must be shipped without frames or glass
and must be contained inside strong plans of
cardboard, plywood or wood. Each work must be accompanied by a label
affixed in the back of the plate, filled with the
author name, title, date, construction technique and signature. The cost
for sending the works are at the competitors’s
5. Diffusion of the Notice: the Notice of the competition is published
on the website of the City of Bassano del Grappa
( and on the notice board situated in the
Country Hall from October 20th 2014 to January 16th
6. Jury and prizes: After the competition deadline, the applications
will be verified and the 25 works selected to be exposed
during the Biennale will be inserted into the catalogue published by the
Municipality. Between the 25 selected, the jury
will assign two prizes: a Prize for Jung engravers IV Biennale of the
Contemporary Engraving for artists aged between 19
and 35 years old and a Prize IV Biennale of the Contemporary Engraving
Città di Bassano del Grappa. This selection will
be made by a jury appointed by the manager of the Area III of the city
of Bassano del Grappa. The instruments of
appointment of the Commitee will be published on the website of the
municipality of Bassano del Grappa, , in the section contests after the expiry of
the notice. The decision of the jury is final. The
winning work will become part of the museum collections. The Museum of
Bassano will award the winners with an
exhibition during the next Biennale of the contemporary engraving.
The result of the selection will be published on the website of the City
of Bassano del Grappa ( in
the section contests. The organizing secretary of the Biennale will send
timely communication regarding the outcome of the
selection by letter or e-mail or by phone.
7. Usage Rights: the competitors, while remaining holders of all rights
of exploitation of the works presented in the
competition, recognize to the City of Bassano del Grappa the right to
reproduce them free of charge for any initiative to
promote the Biennale; furthermore they recognize the right to exhibit
them in shows, to publish them in the catalog and in
other promotional materials of the event, with clear evidence of the
author. Moreover, the competition material could be
used by the City, always pointing out the names of authors in
publications, banners, posters, etc., even on the internet, to
promote the Civic Museums of Bassano del Grappa, without the author has
to claim anything. Relatively to the winning
work, the City of Bassano will acquire property rights and economic
exploitation of the same.
8. Withdrawal of the works: the submitted works will not be returned but
will remain available for withdrawal by the 31st of
July 2015 and may be withdrawn, after notification, directly from the
venue of the Museo Civico in the museum's opening
hours (from Tuesday to Saturday from 9.00 am to 19.00 pm). The
withdrawal will take place in person or by a proxy
signed by the author of the work.
The works that will not be removed within the specified time will become
property of the City of Bassano del
9. Conditions of exclusion: The following persons can not enter the
the Jury, their spouses, parents
and relatives up to the third degree; their employees or employers or those who
have ties
or ongoing relations and cooperation with the members of the same;
those who, for whatever reason,
have participated in or contributed to the drafting of the notice;
those who, on application, fail
to meet the requirement of the enjoyment of civil or political rights;
those against whom a sentence has
been pronounced, or has became irrevocable a penal sentence, or has been
requested the
application of the penal sentence, within the meaning of the ‘’articolo
444 del codice di procedura penale’’ for serious
offenses against the State or the Community that could affect the
professional behaviour; also cause of exclusion will be a
sentence with res judicata for one or more offenses of participation in
a criminal organization, corruption, fraud, money
laundering, as defined by the ‘’atti comunitari citati all'articolo 45,
paragrafo 1, direttiva Ce 2004/18’’;
those who do not obey to the
rules set out in this Notice
10. Organizing Secretariat: the Secretariat of the Biennale is located
at the secretariat of the Museo Civico of Bassano del
Grappa, Via Museo 12, tel. 0424 519904 - 519905 - fax 0424 519914,
e-mail: The opening hours
are the following: from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 13.00 pm. All
submissions and requests for information relating
to the Biennale should be addressed to the secretariat of the
11. Damage to the works: the City of Bassano del Grappa is not
responsible for any damage that would occur during the
sending and the withdrawal of the works and during their stay inside the
12. Disputes: Each competitor must ensure that it is the author of the
submitted work and that he disposes of all the rights, that
the work is original and does not give rise to any third part claims
based on misleading advertising, plagiarism, imitation or
counterfeit, knowing the damage which could result, in case of false
statements, to the sponsors of the competition after the
publication of the work, its exhibition and in every additional
operation (effect of section 7). The competitor also rises the
town of Bassano del Grappa from any claims made by third parties
regarding the use of their works, as well as any claim
for any breach of the existing legislation on intellectual property and
copyright, on which from now on the author assumes
every responsibility. The personal information communicated to the
Library Archive Museum Area of the City of Bassano
del Grappa is collected solely for the performance of duties provided by
the law, and the consent is required to partecipate
in this competition. The competitor shall retain the rights conferred by
the Code of Privacy (Legislative Decree no. 196,
30.06.2003) and in particular has the right to request the updating,
rectification or integration of data, and to oppose data
concerning him for legitimate reasons.
Bassano del Grappa, October 16th, 2014
The information on article 13 Leg. 196/03 will be made at the time of
registration of the data of the participants to the
competition, under art. 13 paragraph 4 of the Law.
To the Municipality of Bassano del
Area III – Cultura Museo
Via Matteotti, 35
36061 Bassano del Grappa
DPR 28 December 2000, n. 445, under its
sole responsibility and aware of the penalties provided by
criminal law and special laws regarding
false documents,
To partecipate to the Biennale of
Contemporary Engraving “Città di Bassano del
Grappa”, with the
following works (state the title)
1. work……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. work……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
To be the author of
the presented works and to have all the rights as specified in the
Notice in paragraph 12
That the presented
works have not been rewarded in other competitions
To have read and to
accept all the clauses in the Notice relating to the use rights of the
To avoid the
exclusion conditions specified in the Notice in paragraph 9
Attach a photocopy of a valid identity
document (identity card, driving license or passport, etc.). In
this case, the signature must be
authenticated in accordance to Article 38 of Presidential Decree
28, 2000, No 445..
vendredi 7 novembre 2014
Exposition Jame's Prunier à Nancy
Vernissage de l'exposition de Jame's Prunier le jeudi 13 Novembre à partir de 18h à la galerie de l'atelier 41 grande rue à Nancy. L' exposition de ses toiles se prolongera jusqu'au 27 décembre.
Mlle Lannez Laëtitia
La galerie de l'atelier
mardi 4 novembre 2014
lundi 3 novembre 2014
L'AFCEL sera présente au 12e Salon du Livre de Woippy les 15 et 16 novembre 2014
Sous la houlette du Comité d’Histoire régionale, 10 associations d’Histoire et de Patrimoine dont l'AFCEL seront présentes à Woippy pour cette édition du Salon du Livre d’Histoire.
Détails des conférences, expositions, présentation d’ouvrage, auteurs :
Inscription à :
Articles (Atom)